UTokyo MOOCのあゆみ
UTokyo MOOCの登録者数
新型コロナの影響や世界情勢の不安定化が要因となり、オンラインで学ぼうとする人々の人口は年々増えており、東大MOOCの受講者も増加し続けています。2013年2コースを提供して以降、2024年9月現在で全26コース(Coursera 13コース、edX 13コース)を提供してきました。登録者数は世界201の国・地域から累計74万人を超える規模となっております。
UTokyo MOOCのあゆみ
Basic Analytical Chemistry
Contemporary Japanese Society: What Has Been Happening Behind Demographic Change?
Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: City
Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Humans
Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology
Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory
Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Structures
Sustainability Science - A Key Concept for Future Design
Tokyo Hillside, Tokyo Riverside: Exploring the Historical City
Transnational Studies - Japan and the World
Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 1
Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 2
The Power of Words
FoundX Startup School Course
From the Big Bang to Dark Energy
Global Health Policy
Interactive Computer Graphics
Interactive Teaching
Let's Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology -1
Let's Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology -2
Studying at Japanese Universities
Welcome to Game Theory
Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan
Contemporary Garden City Concept from Asia
6分間模擬授業で学ぶ授業づくり(Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching)
Adapting to the Effects of Climate Change on Quality of Life