Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory
このシリーズでは、現代日本建築の 4 つの位相を理論、技術、都市、そして人間というテーマで探っていきます。コースで取り上げる建築の範疇は、丹下健三から数えて5 世代の建築家にまたがる予定です。 本コースでは、講師による講義や日本を代表する建築家とのディスカッションを通じて、現代日本建築の発展をたどり、今後の方向性を考察します。 このシリーズの最初のコースでは、「理論」に焦点を当てます。 本コース「理論」は、現代日本建築の指針となる理論的枠組みの開発に重要な役割を果たした建築家とのディスカッションで構成されています。藤森照信、磯崎新、神山久雄、隈研吾、大野英俊、妹島和世がそれぞれの建物を訪れ、それぞれの作品に込められた想いを語ります。
サポート言語: 日本語、英語
Highlight video: Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory1
Highlight video: Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory2
Highlight video: Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory3
I visited Japan a few months ago, and I was looking forward to learn more the insides and history of what I experienced. It was an excellent experience to know not only the work of the architects, but guided by the Architects themselves. I think Obuchi-San did an excellent job in the entire course, specially in the interviews by guiding the Architects the best way in order to understand their ideas. I really enjoyed listening to Prof. Kuma, as I have admired him since my first years in architecture. The last module was an excellent way of summarizing the Architects ideas and theories. I'm extremely fulfilled by this course, and would like to thank every architect, Obuchi, Prof. Kuma, and the staff for their time and dedication. I'm looking forward to taking the next courses with Obuchi-San and Prof. Kuma.
I think the course was a good introduction to the principles and approaches of post war Japanese architects. It gave me a good understanding of the body of theoretical knowledge that contemporary Japanese architects have at their disposal.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this very high quality course, thank you very much for conceptualising it, for developing it, for producing it, and for presenting it! I learnt a lot, and it was a great pleasure to learn with you.
With excellent camera works, I felt I wanted to visit each site, even to some which I have already visited several times. I liked the dramatic music very much as well.