Studying at Japanese Universities
あなたは日本の大学で学ぶことに興味がありますか? 日本の大学の出願と入学プロセス、および提供されているプログラムの種類について知りたいですか? このコースは、日本のさまざまな大学が提供する優れたプログラムを発見し、プロジェクトベースの学習を通じて学習計画を立てるのに役立ちます。 フルディグリーからノンディグリー、英語でのプログラム、日本での短期プログラムまで、さまざまな目的に合わせてオプションをご紹介します。 コースの中で、東京大学の留学生が、日本での勉強を始めるための有益な情報とアドバイスを提供します。 学習者はこのコースの最後に、課題として、日本の大学に出願するための行動計画の草案を作成することが求められます。このコースの目標は、あなたが生産的で充実した日本での学生生活を始められるようサポートすることです!
サポート言語: 英語、中国語、スペイン語、他
Highlight video: Studying at Japanese Universities1
Highlight video: Studying at Japanese Universities2
Highlight video: Studying at Japanese Universities3
This course helped me greatly in understanding the studying in Japanese universities and deciding whether to and how to study in Japan. Sincere thanks to you excellent teachers and other staff. In addition, this course will be perfect if there were contents about specific studying scenarios such classes, labs. Hope this course be better and help more people.
This course provided great insight into what life is like as a student at a Japanese university. I liked that students were invited to speak and didn't gloss over some of the unattractive aspects of the application process because that has prepared me for what to expect. I will definitely consider studying in Japan and I am glad to have this course as a guide!
Thank you so much for this course! It broaden my view on how to get a scholarship and to focus a little better my objective to study at a Japanese university. Since I am in my final years of my student's career (PhD.) I hope I can get a MEXT scholarship, or maybe some specific scholarship after. All the videos were very instructive and serene. It was delightful to listen the conversations and all the tips to get what the title says: Study in Japan!
Currently I am studing for my JLPT N5 and I have finished my A Levels this year. With the pandemic we are all at home so I thought of finding online courses and I got know about cousera which gave us a lot of opportunities. First of all thank you for introducing such a course. I have learned alot of new things about Japan, its culture and many more. A big thank you to the two instructors who went through the course with us. And also to all the studenta learning their who gave the voice cuts and shared their experiences about the life in Japan and how they faced the challenges. I got to know about the visa process and the problems of foods and their solutions which helped me a lot. Moreover thanks to my classmates who reviewed my assignments and gave me marks. All in all thank you so much for the service you rendered.
I am really grateful to our instructors. I am a graduate student from Bangladesh who is interested to do his master degree in Japan. I thought this would help me to know about thre overall study process in Japan and hopefully it helped me a lot specially the experiences of the international students in The University of Tokyo. The instructors made it very easy to us.