Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan
19 世紀の日本の画家、詩人、小説家、写真家達は、「現実の生」を捉えるという野望の中で、お互いに協力し合いました。その時取られた方法は、ヨーロッパの同時代人が、めったに探求しなか手法によるものです。 この講座では、芸術的な「リアリズム」とは何か、またそれが何を意味するのかについての私たちの前提を見直すために、19世紀の日本の芸術家を取り巻く行動、道徳基準、およびいくつかの作品を生み出してきた条件を学んでいきます。 学習者は、講座を通じて、近世日本で社会と個人がどのように考えられ、表現されていたかを明確に理解することができるでしょう。 現代の西洋の芸術形式は、共通の根をもつ「Sister Arts」として認識されていますが、それはいまだに、ジャンルや言説によって分割されたままです。一方で、日本の視覚文化と文学文化は結合する傾向があり、視覚的なイメージに触発された文学的なテキストを生み出し、視覚的なイメージは詩と散文を刻みます。 この視覚文化と文学文化の不可分性に気づき、それを解釈できるようにすることは、日本芸術の美に埋め込まれた社会的および心理的価値を理解する上で不可欠です。
サポート言語: 英語、中国語、スペイン語、他
この講座では、日本の伝統的ないくつかの芸術を紹介し、それらの違いについて学びながら、日本人の自己認識 19 世紀後半に国民国家としての日本がどのようにして「近代」の最前線に浮上したかについて考察してきます。
Highlight video: Words Spun Out of Images01
Highlight video: Words Spun Out of Images02
Highlight video: Words Spun Out of Images03
I am a graduate student of English literature and I wanted to say thanks for creating this course, which is a completely new field I've never explored until now. I love visual art and Japanese culture, and studying a literary medium that blends these into one was such a cool experience! The literary painting/photograph is a fascinating type of art that has so much interpretive potential, and I would love to learn more on this topic sometime. Thank you so much for the effort taken to research and compile all the materials.
I would like to personally thank you for all the effort that you have put into this course. It was very informative as well as entertaining. As a Japanophile, I always keep an eye out for any educational opportunities to learn more about Japan's culture and history. I most certainly hope to I will see you again in another related course.
I am personally fascinated by the oriental, specifically Japanese art. And when I found this course, I jumped right into it and it gave me so much insight. Especially because Kitagawa Utamaro is my favorite artist and I was delighted to see his work bu also discovered so much more meaning in reading the art and this will always spark my curiosity, even more so now- what is it that the artist is trying to say, and not just seeing the painting, as just 'a painting'. The entire course was very insightful and thank you for the details shared. It would fabulous if you would consider having more such courses come through. Looking forward to the same and thank you once again.
I'm no good with words, and English isn't even my first language, but I would like to thank you very much for you have made an incredible course. I sincerely enjoyed it. My love for japanese art and literature has grown immensely thanks to this course.
Brilliant analysis, and a deep dive-in into the history of 19th-early 20th century Japan through images and photographs. Absolutely fascinating.