Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology
これは、「現代日本建築の 4 つの位相」シリーズの 2 番目のコースで、テクノロジーに焦点を当てています。 「テクノロジー」のコースでは、建築の概念化と制作を調査するための手段として、伝統工芸に使用される技術から計算のプロセスまで、テクノロジーの使用を探求した建築家の作品に焦点を当てます。 安藤忠雄氏、坂茂氏、千葉学氏、隈研吾氏、難波和彦氏、小渕裕介氏がそれぞれの建物を訪れ、それぞれの作品に込められた想いを語ります。
サポート言語: 日本語、英語
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology1
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology2
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Technology3
インド: 19歳の方から
The course was really engaging and well structured. It helped to curate the different eras of the post war japanese architecture, alongside defining the avant garde connection of architecture and technology. As Kuma san said in the end, that there's more to and several ways of perceiving architecture and technology. I would like to request to organize a program where select students can become a part of the annual pavilion building event as headed by Prof. Yusuke Obuchi. It could be a great opportunity for me if somehow I can be a part of the design and construction of such pavilions to have a deeper insight of his studio.
インドネシア: 18歳の方から
I very much enjoy all the videos and had fun learning them. I love how the lecture videos are done in an interview style. It's more interesting and less boring for us to study online. Easier for us to understand too. I love how each module is filmed at different location and with different architects. I feel I have learned a lot and I did not waste my time signing up to this course. Looking forward to more courses from Tokyo University about architecture.
I've been pleased with the content of fhis course. In fact I've managed to learn much more than what I've learned during the whole year from my post-graduation architectural course. I was considering dropping out of which and not completing the academic year. However, by listening to your lectures I've gained my self-confidence back and managed to complete both courses. I think it's due to the fact that I've always been fascinated by the japanese culture and just listening to the philosophy behind the architectural technological japanese design from some of the leading architects in the field made me realise how beautiful a human thought can be. Furthermore I realised that the contemporary architectural design is becoming more complex than ever, but with the aid of technological advancements we're just entering a whole new world of possibilities. Thank you for this wonderful content!