Welcome to Game Theory
このコースでは、ゲーム理論の初歩を学びます。主な目標は、均衡、合理性、協力など、ゲーム理論の重要な概念の背後にある基本的な考え方を理解することです。このコースは数式をほとんど使用しないため、ゲーム理論の考え方を学ぶための入門講座を探している人に最適です。 ビジネス競争、政治運動、動物や植物の生存競争などはすべて、個人が他者との対戦において、自分のために最善を尽くす一種の「ゲーム」と見なすことができます。 ゲーム理論は、そのような「戦略的」状況で個人がどのように行動するかを記述および分析するための一般的なフレームワークを提供します。このコースでは、ゲーム理論の重要な概念に焦点を当て、数学的な定義の背後に隠されていることが多い基本的なものの見方や考え方を説明します。 ゲーム理論は、経済学、政治学、心理学、社会学、生物学、コンピューターサイエンスなど、さまざまな分野に応用されています。ゲーム理論とは何かに関心のあるあらゆる分野の人たちのご参加を歓迎します!
サポート言語: 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、他
Highlight video: Welcome to Game Theory1
Highlight video: Welcome to Game Theory2
Highlight video: Welcome to Game Theory3
I appreciate the simple and substantial content of the course and the method of delivery and assessment. I took the course to really understand what game theory really is about. It help me understand that nash equilibrium matters in relationships. I love the idea that nash equilibrium may not be reached due to wrong beliefs of others. The common good is not compatible with individual good but there are strategies to sustain common good. Thank you very much.
I am a computer science major with 19+ years of industry experience. Your course is amazing. I had a long time quest to understand some basic concepts of game theory and your course is just right for that kind of introduction. I heard about game theory many years ago and even read a book called short introduction to game theory. Listening to your lectures was a different kind of experience. After learning about Nash equilibrium and solving some exercises, I was tempted to think about writing a program to solve it and then I was shocked. It belongs to an entire different class of complexity !
I have been working at several financial and IT companies in Japan, incl. Gaishikei company. I studied law science in my university days long time ago. Based on my carrer at the financial institutions (in those days my job was related to international investment), I have an interest in economic situation topics on the news and have been thinking to take some economics course at university. We sometimes hear the word of recurrent education, thus I took some course of university for business person ("Koukai-kouza") of nearby university. By chance, I was able to find this course on the web. It was pretty nice for me to learn game theory in English. I really enjoyed it. After a long time since I graduated university, this experience reminds me of my university days and really enjoyed this course. Thank you very much.
It was indeed great listening to professor Michihiro Kandori. I love to teach game theory in International Relations and wanted to learn and employ the skills in teaching it to my students. It was wonderful experience. The interdisciplinary perspectives on game theory are interesting and the explanation was succinct. Thank you. I loved the examples and the clarity in which they are explained and followed
This was an outstanding course. This course gives you great introduction to the fundamentals of Game Theory. For anyone wanting an insight into this topic, I highly recommend it. Thank you to the course creator and lecturer, Professor Michihiro Kandori.