Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: City
これは『日本の現代建築の4相』シリーズの3つ目講座「都市」です。 1970年代以降、日本の建築は都市そのものを概念化する(考え出す)ことをやめ、その代わりに個々の建物をデザインすることに注力するようになりました。個々の建物をデザインしていったその帰結として都市が生まれると考えたのです。しかし、グローバリゼーションや情報技術の出現に対応して、都市は大きな変化を続けており、日本の建築家達は再び都市に独自の方法で関わるようになりました。この「都市」というコースでは、建築を通して都市の概念化を試みた建築家の作品を振り返り、半世紀にわたる変遷と今後の課題を考察します。槇文彦、長谷川逸子、山本理顕、隈研吾、青木淳、ワンのアトリエ(塚本義治&貝島百代)がそれぞれ手がけた建築を訪れ、それぞれの作品・建物に込められた思いを語ります。
サポート言語: 日本語、英語
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: City1
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: City2
Highlight video:Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: City3
Germany: 52歳の方から
I am extremely satisfied with this course. It has been a source of inmense inspiration for my "engineering work" from the perspective of Professors Kuma and Obuchi and the brilliant architects that participated (including Kuma-san and Obuchi-san themselves). Your humble attitude has impressed me although I am aware that "world class architects" participate in each Module. I simply regret not having participated in the 1st and 2nd Facet courses, and I await for the 4 Facet.
Canada: 35歳の方から
I think it was great. Looking forward for the fourth facet. I wish there were more courses like this one.
United States: 43歳の方から
Please make this course a continuing education accredited course for U.S. Architects and make all past courses in this series available since I missed the first (Theory).
Japan: 43歳の方から
By learning the past three facets up to now, I find it necessary to learn more about Kenzo Tange, Arata Isozaki, and Kisho Kurokawa, and Metabolism. As their names are referred by many architects during the courses. It would be great if I have an opportunity to learn that period of time. (I learned Isozaki at the first facet, but still, it is not enough.) I would definitely take the course, if it is materialized. I enjoyed the course, anyway and I am looking forward to start the fourth facet soon. Thank you very much.
Canada: 20歳の方から
I liked the concept of learning about a project, ideas and history while walking through it with the architect. It made the course light and enjoyable. As a non japanese speaker, i personally enjoyed the way it was done in two parts, the visit and the sit down talk, so I could better focus on the conversation. Throughly, very interesting and inspiring!