[Welcome to Game Theory] Registration exceeded 100,000!

Registration of [Welcome to Game Theory] on Coursera has exceeded 100,000!

You might think that it's not easy to understand probability and statistics. Don't worry. Many learners of this course commented that it was "fun to learn" and "easy to understand." Let's check out the course for free!

**Learners' Voice**
- Thank you very much, useful training, sufficient for beginner level.

The professor is clear and he is able to explain as simpler as possible Game Theory's concepts which could be hard to be understood.
Obviously, as it is possible to keep by the title, this course is a kick start course. I recommend it for everyone who is principiant in Game Theory. At the end of the course, the professor suggests books and articles that people interested in going deeper into such a topic can read.

- I really enjoy how Kandori focused on the concepts without bogging us down with too much math. I also enjoyed seeing how many areas of life game theory could be applied to.

